Introducing post-purchase survey for enhanced customer journey insights

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature, the Post-Purchase Survey, a groundbreaking tool designed to redefine the way brands understand and interact with their customers' journeys. This new feature stands at the forefront of attribution modeling, emphasizing the untapped potential of zero-party post-purchase survey data in marketing strategies. Admetrics users can choose between integrating KnoCommerce or Fairing as their post-purchase survey provider.

In our quest to enable brands to understand and interact with customer journeys, this new feature stands out by tapping into the power of zero-party data. The integration not only refines the attribution process by aligning conversion values with customer feedback but also enriches the visualization of the customer journey, giving you unparalleled insights into what drives customer decisions. These insights are instrumental in assessing the effectiveness of your marketing channels and campaigns, leading to more customer-centric strategies.

Post-purchase survey: The importance of zero-party data

At the core of this initiative is zero-party data, a type of data voluntarily shared by customers that sheds light on their preferences, desires, and the decisive factors behind their purchase decisions. Admetrics recognizes the invaluable insights this data provides, marking it as an essential component for a deeper understanding of the customer journey.

Unveiling the post-purchase survey

Admetrics' Post-Purchase Survey is crafted to gather zero-party data directly from your integration of choice, be it KnoCommerce or Fairing, offering a nuanced layer of attribution by highlighting the specific influences on your customers purchase decisions. This direct feedback mechanism enriches attribution models and augments the comprehension of customer touchpoints and their journey as a whole.

Expanding attribution models

Admetrics attribution framework already includes a variety of attribution types such as First Touch, Last Touch, Last Platform Touch, Linear, Linear Direct, and Position-Based, alongside Inflated. Each model serves as a foundational approach to attributing sales to distinct marketing engagements. The introduction of zero-party data from the post-purchase survey aims to enhance these models by weaving in customer feedback for a more precise analysis.

Using post-purchase survey for enhanced attribution and visualization

The integration of zero-party data offers a dual advantage. Firstly, it refines the attribution process by aligning the conversion value with customer feedback, ensuring a more accurate depiction of marketing channels’ influence. Secondly, it provides Admetrics users with a rich, customer-informed view of the purchase journey, offering unprecedented insights into the motivations behind customer decisions. These insights can then be leveraged to assess the success of various marketing channels and campaigns and better understand their outcome.

How does the zero-party post-purchase survey data work

Example 1: If Admetrics has attributed an order to Instagram based on a click from an Instagram advertisement and the customer also indicates Instagram as their first touchpoint in the survey, Admetrics will not change anything as we confirm that the attribution worked as expected for this customer.

Example 2: In a scenario where Admetrics has credited an order to Instagram due to a click on an Instagram ad but the customer's survey response points to TikTok as the original touchpoint, we will add a synthetic touchpoint before the measured Instagram touchpoint within the TikTok campaign  “Post Purchase Survey" (as we cannot exactly know). Now when you report by “First touch” or a multi-touch model Tiktok’s “Post Purchase Survey” campaign will receive credit from the attribution.

The launch of the Post-Purchase Survey by Admetrics Data Studio signifies a step forward in improving attribution modeling, leveraging direct customer feedback to refine the complexities of the purchase journey. By prioritizing zero-party data, Admetrics underscores the importance of understanding customer motivations in crafting more effective, customer-centric marketing strategies. This evolution acknowledges the limitations of traditional data tracking and sets a new standard for attribution accuracy and customer journey clarity.

Ready to dive into the next level of customer journey insights? You can go ahead and add a KnoCommerce or Fairing integration right away. Looking forward to seeing how this will elevate your marketing game!

Q&A Series on post-purchase surveys  and the importance of first-party data for e-commerce stores

Q1: What is a post-purchase survey?
A1: A post-purchase survey is a set of questions presented to customers immediately after they have completed a purchase. These surveys are designed to gather insights about the shopping experience, product satisfaction, and factors that influence the purchase decision.

Q2: Why are post-purchase surveys important for e-commerce stores?
A2: Post-purchase surveys are crucial for e-commerce stores because they provide direct feedback from customers about their shopping experience. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement, enhance product offerings, and refine marketing strategies. They also help in building stronger customer relationships by showing customers that their opinions are valued.

Q3: What is first-party data, and how does it differ from zero-party data?
A3: First-party data is information collected directly from your audience or customers, including data from behaviors, actions, or interests shown across your website or app. Zero-party data, on the other hand, is information that customers intentionally and proactively share with a brand. While both are valuable, zero-party data is explicitly given by customers, often offering deeper insights into customer preferences and intentions.

Q4: How can e-commerce stores use the data from post-purchase surveys?
A4: E-commerce stores can use data from post-purchase surveys to improve product quality, tailor marketing messages, optimize the customer journey, and increase overall customer satisfaction. By understanding customer feedback, stores can make data-driven decisions to enhance their services and product offerings.

Q5: Can post-purchase surveys help in customer retention?
A5: Yes, post-purchase surveys can significantly aid in customer retention. By asking for feedback, e-commerce stores show that they value customer opinions, fostering loyalty. Acting on the feedback to improve the shopping experience further enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates.

Q6: What types of questions should be included in a post-purchase survey?
A6: A post-purchase survey should include questions that gauge customer satisfaction with the product, the shopping experience, and the decision-making process. Questions can range from rating scale questions on satisfaction levels to open-ended questions asking for detailed feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Q7: How can e-commerce stores encourage customers to complete post-purchase surveys?
A7: E-commerce stores can increase survey participation by ensuring the survey is short and to the point, offering incentives for completion (such as discounts or entry into a giveaway), and communicating the value of customer feedback in improving the shopping experience.

Q8: What are the challenges in collecting and utilizing first-party data through post-purchase surveys?
A8: Challenges include low response rates, biased responses, and data analysis complexities. Addressing these challenges requires creating engaging surveys, offering incentives, and using data analysis tools to uncover actionable insights.

Q9: How does the collection of first-party data from post-purchase surveys comply with privacy regulations?
A9: Compliance with privacy regulations requires transparency about data collection practices, securing customer consent before data collection, and providing customers with options to access, correct, or delete their data. It's essential to adhere to regulations like GDPR and CCPA when designing and implementing post-purchase surveys.

Q10: What future trends might affect the role of post-purchase surveys in e-commerce?
A10: Future trends include the increasing importance of personalized shopping experiences, the use of artificial intelligence to analyze open-ended responses, and the integration of survey data with other customer data sources for a 360-degree view of the customer. Adapting to these trends will help e-commerce stores stay competitive and continue to provide value through post-purchase surveys.