E-Commerce metrics that matter: Reference guide for driving more sales

Download the complete guide with 175 metrics and unlock the full potential of your e-commerce business.

Get a comprehensive introduction to the key metrics that drive e-commerce success with E-Commerce Metrics that Matter: A reference guide for driving more sales. Inside, you'll find an in-depth analysis of the most important metrics for measuring e-commerce performance, including descriptions and formulas.

Discover over 175 metrics grouped by these use-cases

  • Creative optimization
  • Email / IM optimization
  • Landingpage optimization
  • Customer acquisition
  • Customer retention
  • Revenue and sales analysis
  • Profit optimization
  • Price testing
  • Traffic cost analysis
  • Traffic quality analysis


From page optimization to customer retention, the extensive guide goes into the most important use cases and provides a comprehensive glossary of metrics to help you understand and analyze your performance, drive more sales and increase ROI. 

Download the guide to

  • Understand the key metrics that measure the performance of e-commerce businesses
  • Learn how to choose the right metrics to optimize for
  • Maximize ROI for your e-commerce business
  • Fine-tune your approach and achieve real growth for your business